"17 Years in the Life"
She wasn't new to this way of life. But after yet another beating from a
'customer' she and her friend decided they were finally ready to get out. They had only enough money for one night in a hotel and then had no idea what to do or where to go from there. Morning came and they prayed for help. The phone rang. But this time it wasn't a john. It was a stranger who said she cared, that Jesus loved them, and she could help them get out of the life. That day the two women were fed, given new clothes, a Bible, and other necessities, kept safe, prayed with, and flown to a rehabilitation center to be further cared for.
"14 Years Old and Pregnant"
She had run away from an abusive father, but with no where to go she began living on the streets. It wasn't long before this young teenager became pregnant. She was afraid and had little hope for her future. But then God crossed her path with his servants in a coffee shop. God used them to meet her needs...they bought her food, clothes and diapers for the life within her. They shared the love of Jesus with her and took her to a safe place. For the first time in a long time she knew she was treasured, and had a new hope for the future.
"Worth More"
She yelled in disbelief as she spoke to the woman on the phone who offered her help. She could hardly believe that the prayer she had just prayed would be answered. It was the proof she needed to know she was worth more, that this life was not the life God had for her. Help looked different to her. She didn't want to go to a rehabilitation center, she just wanted to know that she was loved by a God who has great plans for her life, that she was special in HIS eyes. When the pimp showed up at her house, she told him she was done. He berated her and told her she was worthless. But as she clung to her new Bible, she knew it was lies. She knew her worth as a daughter of God.